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联系人:崔经理 15022386088



1、 保温隔热:岩棉纤维细长柔韧,导热系数低,可以提高建筑围护结构的热阻值,降低建筑采暖和空调能耗,节能减排。
2、 吸音降噪:岩棉纤维形成的多孔连通结构,具备高效的吸音降噪功能以及弹性消振的物理特性。
3、 防火:岩棉具有A1防火等级,不燃烧,不释放热量和有毒烟气,火灾发生时可阻断火焰蔓延,尺寸稳定,不伸缩变形,熔点高于1000℃。
4、 憎水性和抗潮湿性:岩棉憎水性达到99%;吸水率极低,无毛细渗透,不吸湿耐老化。
5、 无腐蚀性:岩棉自身化学性质稳定,呈中性或弱碱性,对碳钢、不锈钢,铝等金属材料均无腐蚀。
6、 健康、环保:岩棉在长期使用下不腐烂霉变,不滋生细菌,岩棉不含也不使用石棉、CFC氯氟烃\HFC三氟甲烷\HCFC一氟二氯乙烷等有害物。
7、 尺寸稳定:岩棉不随使用时间而收缩、弯曲或变形,可作为稳定的基底材料,以确保防水材料或防水层受不良应力影响。
8、 性能稳定:岩棉具有高抗压、抗拉伸强度及耐久性指标,保证产品性能及其构成的建筑使用结构长期稳定和可靠性。

Rock characteristics
1, insulation rock wool fiber slender flexible, low thermal conductivity, can improve the resistance value of the building envelope, reduce building heating and air conditioning energy consumption, energy saving and emission reduction.
2, noise reduction: connected structure of porous rock wool fibers, with the physical properties of sound absorption and noise reduction functions with high efficiency and elastic vibration suppression.
3, fire: rock wool with A1 fireproof grade, not burning, not releasing heat and toxic smoke, fire blocked the flame spread, dimensional stability, no deformation, melting point higher than 1000 DEG C.
4, hydrophobicity and moisture resistance of rock wool hydrophobicity reached 99%; bibulous rate is extremely low, no capillary permeability, moisture resistant aging.
5, non corrosive: rockwool is chemically stable, neutral or alkaline, carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and other metal materials are non corrosive.
6, health and environmental protection: rock wool does not decay and mildew in long-term use, no bacterium, no Hao Ya don't use wool asbestos, CFC \\HFC three \\HCFC a chlorofluorocarbon methyl fluoride fluoride two chloride and other harmful substances.
7, dimensional stability with the use of time: rock wool shrinkage, bending or deformation, can be used as base material is the most stable, to ensure the waterproof material waterproof layer or bad stress influence.
8, stable performance: rock wool has high compressive, tensile strength and durability index, ensure the product performance and the composition of the long-term stability and reliability of building structure.

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